I hacked this together today. I can see a new era of automation where we just 'show' robots what we do and they can copy us.
It would be possible to make a giant rugged delta bot with GPS guided wheels and you could use this technique to stick something like a spade on it and then it can dig your own trenches on your farm once you teach it the movements to 'dig'... imagine that!
This here is pretty straight forward if you can code. - Write a program to take the leap motion controller xyz inputs and send then to the rep rap as G code over the serial interface. (3 steps you see)
I used the Leap javascript library to get the xyz inputs from the controller and sent them via ajax to a CGI script which sent them via the command line to the serial port as G-Code. The webserver has the USB connection to the Reprap (in my case it's all the same box). There are less convoluted ways to do this but for me this took less than an hour to create from the ground including installing all the development tools & troubleshooting & testing so... I am using Ubuntu 12.10
Tools Needed:
Future upgrades:
I will release my software as OpenSource but it's just a pile of mess right now. I would like donations to encourage me to keep working on it.
Comments and suggestions are most welcome